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Supply Chain and Operations Management

This guide supports the learning and research activities of undergraduate and graduate students in supply chain and operations courses in the College of Business Administration.

Writing Tips

Use these general tips* that will help you write a successful research paper:

  • an opening paragraph that catches the reader's interest and clearly states the thesis of the paper, i.e., clearly states what the paper is about
  • words that are spelled correctly and sentences that are grammatically correct
  • unified paragraphs, with sentences transitioning from one another and developing the paragraph's central idea
  • a unified theme, with paragraphs transitioning from one another and developing the paper's central idea or ideas
  • a concluding paragraph that briefly summarizes the main ideas of the paper and restates the paper's main thesis, giving the reader the sense that the stated goal of the paper has been accomplished

*University of West Florida Libraries

Helpful Online Guides

Writing a successful research paper is an important process that takes time and careful planning. The overall quality of your paper will be directly effected by the quality of the research you perform and the care you take in organizing and writing the paper. Begin by using only research results that pass critical evaluation and consult the following guides for expert advice on organizing and writing your research paper.