Note: The interface for all EBSCO databases will be updated in June 2025. Preview the new interface for this database. For more information about the change, visit the EBSCO new interface page.
Multi-disciplinary source for scholarly, popular, professional, and news publications. This is a good place to start many searches or to gather material from various disciplines at once.
Comprehensive resource for research in agriculture and allied disciplines.
A compilation of the Royal Anthropological Institute's Anthropological Index and Harvard's Anthropological Literature. The World's largest source of anthropological, archaeological, and related interdisciplinary research.
A multidisciplinary database covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities, especially useful for tracking citations forward and backward from a specific article.
Broad selection covering agricultural research, biology, environmental science, genetics, horticulture, physiology, veterinary medicine, wildlife management, and more.
Multidisciplinary resource covering a wide variety of subjects and resource-types. Includes journal articles, reference books, primary documents, and images.
A rich collection of citation indexes representing the citation connections between scholarly research articles found in the most globally significant journals, books, and proceedings in the sciences, social sciences and art & humanities.
A full text searchable database of electronic journal articles from thousands of academic journals from top scholarly publishers, academic societies, and university presses. Covers a wide range of disciplines and contains scientific research as well as historical journal articles.
A digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as literary journals, academic monographs, and a wide variety of primary sources including Historical Collections from UA
Scholarly ebooks covering a wide variety of subjects with a user-friendly interface.
Note: The interface for all EBSCO databases will be updated in June 2025. Preview the new interface for this database. For more information about the change, visit the EBSCO new interface page.
Contains e-books on many academic subjects. Every word in every book is searchable and users can preview the e-books online and can check out the book for a specified amount of time.
A database that contains the full texts of thousands of scholarly and reference e-books from several publishers, covering many subject areas.
Electronic books in computer science, information technology, business, and related fields. Note: Here are Instructions for accessing O'Reilly eBooks
Masters and doctoral theses and dissertations from participating OhioLINK member institutions.
Abstracts only, no full text. This database is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world.
For this assignment begin with keyword such as "domesitcation" or "progenitor" or "early crop", combined with your assigned species. For instance, "domestication" AND ""goat". . . "projenitor" AND "crop" AND "chickpea".
It is best to not use the phrases that appear in the drop down box while you are entering your search term, as the indexing/tagging in most modern databases is inferior. This will result in far fewer useful results. For instance, while entering the term"domestication", the database may display "domestication of animals"; however, it is best just to leave the term at "domestication".
Offers information on Islamic art and architecture ranging from the Middle East to Central and South Asia, Africa, and Europe, and spans over a thousand years of history.
Ancient Near Eastern websites (from trusted sources only)
A. Abzu (Oriental Institute, University of Chicago), now a part of ETANA – listing of open-source materials for the study of the ancient Near East
B. ETANA (Electronic Tools and Ancient Near East Archives) – open-source materials centered around the study of ancient texts
C. AWOL – Ancient World Online continuation of Abzu, includes a list of 1,646 open access journals in ancient studies
D. University of Michigan Library Research Guides in the Ancient Near East - very useful guide with extensive article databases, bibliographies, text and image collections.
E. Ancient Near East Net - list of journals and other resources (not updated since 2004)
F. ARCANE (Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean) - focus on Early Bronze Age (3rd MBC chronologies).
G. TAY project: The Archaeological Settlements of Turkey. On-line database on 12,000+ sites in Turkey.
H. CAIS (The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies), out of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, London)
I. State Archives of Assyria Bulletin (SAAB), originally out of Helsinki. Volumes dedicated to the study of ancient Assyria
J. University of Chicago Regenstein Library Ancient Near East Subject Guide - this has a useful list of internet sites of interest to scholars of the ANE and electronic open stacks (EOS) and the Electronic Publications Initiative (EPI). With 700+ electronic publications.
K. Yale University Library Ancient Near East collections . Guide to the Yale Babylonian Collection. Some materials are online
L. CDLI – Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative - consortium effort housed at UCLA. Includes a database for seals (n=32K+) and tablets (n=31K+)
Museum websites with searchable on-line collections
A. Ashmolean Museum (Oxford) and The Griffith Institute
B. British Museum (London)
C. Oriental Institute (Chicago)
D. Metropolitan Museum of Fine Art (New York)
E. The Morgan Library & Museum (New York) – online collection of seals and tablets
The following journals are included and can be searched using the Anthropology Plus, EJC, and JSTOR databases. You can also check and locate them by entering the title in the UA Library Catalog. Some can be accessed directly from the publisher's Website.
General Archaeology Journals
General Near Eastern Archaeology Journals
Turkish Archaeology Journals
Specialist/technical Journals
Streaming documentaries and other educational videos covering a wide variety of subjects with a user-friendly and accessible interface.
Web-based digital video service streaming educational titles in dozens of subject areas.